So today is our 3rd rainy day in a row! It's starting to put a damper on all the things I had planned outdoors. I was going to go up to the lake today to pick some butterbeans and tomatoes from the garden (bringing along brinkley and chloe), but mother nature is not cooperating! Instead I find myself finally downloading all the pictures from my camera, going through old clothes and debating whether or not I'm taking the long trip to Rocky Mount just to get my Target fix :o). Our town that we live in has everything that I need....just not everything that I want or am accustomed to. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the fact that a tank of gas now lasts me 2 whole weeks (in an SUV), however I do miss having a variety of shops to go in. Tim on the other hand loves the fact that there's not a lot of shopping for me to do!
Here are just a few pics from inside our new and not entirely furnished home (well, it's actually just the kitchen, living room and dining room). Oh...and Brinkley has a new "friend". We call him Teddy and she doesn't really go anywhere in the house without him--she even sleeps with him in her mouth!
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