Thursday, August 28, 2008

The girls & pics of our new home

So today is our 3rd rainy day in a row! It's starting to put a damper on all the things I had planned outdoors. I was going to go up to the lake today to pick some butterbeans and tomatoes from the garden (bringing along brinkley and chloe), but mother nature is not cooperating! Instead I find myself finally downloading all the pictures from my camera, going through old clothes and debating whether or not I'm taking the long trip to Rocky Mount just to get my Target fix :o). Our town that we live in has everything that I need....just not everything that I want or am accustomed to. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the fact that a tank of gas now lasts me 2 whole weeks (in an SUV), however I do miss having a variety of shops to go in. Tim on the other hand loves the fact that there's not a lot of shopping for me to do!

Here are just a few pics from inside our new and not entirely furnished home (well, it's actually just the kitchen, living room and dining room). Oh...and Brinkley has a new "friend". We call him Teddy and she doesn't really go anywhere in the house without him--she even sleeps with him in her mouth!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lazy day

I've decided to take today as a LONG overdue rest day. Right now I am curled up on the couch watching Top Gun. I have one of my dogs laying on top of my feet and the other one is curled up on the floor. It's cloudy and rainy outside and I think we're all thankful for this lazy day. I think what would make this day perfect is if Mandy were up here watching Top Gun with me and we had a large cheese pizza from Papa John's!

I'm attempting to upload some pictures right now so check back tonight. I wish I had more to update you on, but things are pretty quiet today.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The "country"

Well, Tim and I are now settling into our 3rd week in North Carolina. I can't even believe that it has been that long! As anyone who has moved before knows, we had a LONG, LONG week of moving. It started out with not everything fitting in the truck, 2 doped up dogs on valium and 2 excited/ nervous newlyweds on the way to a new life. After a 9 1/2 hour drive, we pulled up to our new home and anxiously ran inside to shower and eat some dinner. Oh, did I mention that the air conditioning didn't work, and it's AUGUST?!? Tim's wonderful Aunt Margaret and Uncle Roy came by before we got there to put 7 or 8 fans throughout the house to keep the hot air circulating, they made dinner for us and even vacuumed! We didn't sleep very well our first night due to the 2 pacing and drugged out dogs who had no idea where they were. They panted in our bedroom ALL NIGHT LONG! Adrenaline kept us going for the next few days as each morning we woke up with something else to unpack or carry into the house.

Our first weekend here we went up to the Lake to have dinner with Aunt Margaret and Uncle Roy. The lake is about 25 minutes from us. It feels like forever because you just go down 2 country roads for 20 miles and you are there. No interstates, no red lights, no stop signs, no shopping malls....just the open land. This was Brinkley and Chloe's very first time at the lake and I was very curious to see how they would react. The property sits on about 4 acres of land that is lake front. Brinkley was the first to get her feet wet and she stayed in that lake all evening! She and Chloe ran around and chased each other in the lake and on the land, feeling so free to have all the room to run around!

I'm sorry this is so long, I'm almost done :o)

Tim is settling into his new job. They moved to a brand new location over this past weekend and he actually has an office, with a desk and a secretary! I'm so proud of all that he has accomplished in the short time since he has graduated! His new boss is so friendly and he and Tim get along great. I am still on the hunt for a job....hoping and praying I don't have to settle for bagging groceries somewhere. I've applied at Lowes, the post office (yes, I did actually say the post office--they pay REALLY good) and have just recently put in an application for a substitute teacher. We'll see what happens. I can say though, that it has been SO nice to have had this time off from work to be able to really organize our home and get settled into the town. I've been able to fix pies, cook dinner every single night, go for long walks with Tim and the dogs and I've even started to relax. Life is so different up here, and so much better. Tim and I find ourselves so thankful for all the extra time we have to spend together; whether it's stripping paint off the front door ever saturday, driving to the lake or to Lowe's (our second home), we know that we are blessed to have this time together!

So, I do miss everyone back home terribly. But, I don't really miss living back home. This town suites Tim and I nicely and every day I grow more assured that this is where God wants us for this time in our lives. I can't wait for my family to get up here to see the town and our new house and I can't wait for my friends to visit. I'll do better about writing often so my blogs won't be too long. :o)